
Legal Analysis


Memorial to the Partisan Resistance, Bologna, Italy

Memorial to the Partisan Resistance, Bologna, Italy

Fundamental rights - 1.jpg

Research Articles

True Yet Defamatory? Truth as a (Partial) Defense to Libel in Italian and European Law, 23 California International Law Journal, 47 (2015)

Abracadabra! - Why Copyright Protection For Magic Is Not Just An Illusion. Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook, 2014 Edition. Ed. Karen Tripp. Eagan, MN: Thomson Reuters-West Publishing, 53-88. (Originally published in the Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review)

Questionable Health Claims by Alcohol Companies: From Protein Vodka to Weight-loss Beer. A Marin Institute Report (2011) (co-written with lead author Michele Simon)

Women’s March Rome, January 2017

Women’s March Rome, January 2017

“A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000-word document and calls it a ‘brief.’”

— Franz Kafka

