Building Literary Community

A selection of events I’ve organized or moderated and interviews I’ve given on writing and journalism — all with the goal of building a global literary community in Northern Italy.

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Associazione della Stampa Estera — Milano

In conversation with political economist and former Hungarian MP Gábor Scheiring and Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony for the Foreign Press Association in Milan.

Watch the video here.

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Literary Milan

Milan book launch event for Mary Gray’s Rental Diaries

Moderated a conversation with author Mary Gray about her debut essay collection — 24 Sept. 2021 at Colibrì Milano.


Interview with The Writing Coach podcast

I was featured on Episode 83 of The Writing Coach Podcast with Rebecca L. Weber, talking about my experiences reporting on the coronavirus pandemic in Italy. Listen to the episode here.

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Literary Milan

Documentary screening: “The Genius of a Place”

Literary Milan is Northern Italy’s only English-language writing group and event series. During Italy’s 2.5- month lockdown, we got creative with a documentary screening and director Q&A.

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Associazione della Stampa Estera — Milano

An evening with the prolific British author Tim Parks at the Foreign Press Association in Milan.

Moderated by myself and James Imam of the Financial Times on 30 January 2020. Watch the conversation here.

Join Literary Milan

We offer FREE programming in the following areas:

  • An English-language writing group for both emerging and established writers. We’re proud to have a membership that is about half non-native English speakers.

  • English-language event series for Milan’s international community.

  • Promotion of Italian-language events, such as festivals, exhibits and author presentations, that are likely to be of interest to the group.

  • Coming soon: Literary Milan Pro, a group for established writers looking for accountability, support and fellowship as they work on book-length projects.