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A global journalist connecting people, places and ideas

I’m a journalist who loves working at intersections. An American based in Milan, Italy, I’m drawn to stories where law meets politics, where the environment intersects with finance, where cultures clash and where languages collide. In addition to writing articles and shooting photos for a number of major publications — including the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg — I’m a fellow with the Center for European Policy Analysis, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, and offer media consulting for private clients. My first book, Breaking the Surface: The Extraordinary Life of Honor Frost and the Dawn of Underwater Archaeology, is forthcoming from St. Martin’s Press.

Born and raised in Indiana, I lived in California for almost a decade before moving to Italy in 2014 on a Fulbright fellowship. Check out my full bio here, and see examples of my work below.

Writing and Photography Portfolio


Get in touch!

Email jcbrancolini@gmail.com, or reach out on social media.


Current Location

Milan, Italy